CoolSculpting® in Charlotte, NC

Why should I come to Jon `Ric Medical Spa for my CoolSculpting treatment?

We are the only CoolSculpting facility in the Charlotte Metropolitan area where you will have your consult, evaluation, AND treatment done by a Physician.  CoolSculpting, while low impact, is a major change in your body and Dr. Jones believes that treatment should only be done by a Physician.

When you come to Jon ‘Ric Medical Spa of Charlotte, NC, you can expect friendly, accommodating services provided by true industry professionals. Our on-site Physician, Dr. Matt Jones, is a local resident and experienced doctor who is passionate about helping his clients look better, feel better, and be better.

Here at Jon `Ric, we strive to be the best Medical Spa in town by staying on top of the latest and greatest services and technologies available in our industry, and CoolSculpting® is one of them. In fact, Jon `Ric Medical Spa and Wellness Center is the leading CoolSculpting provider in Charlotte due to our service and technology standards. You’ll notice the difference after your treatment, and that type of patient satisfaction always pushes us to be the best.

Ultimately, we work with each patient to realize their fat reduction goals. Call or e-mail us today and we’ll set up your free consultation with Dr. Matt Jones. He will work with you, one-on-one, to determine whether you’re a good candidate, and then develop your personalized CoolSculpting treatment plan.

Freeze & Reduce Stubborn Fat* w/ CoolSculpting®

Easy, Painless, No Downtime!

There are a number of ways to safely reduce stubborn body fat that resists diet and exercise – but laser treatments, sonic wave procedures, and surgical options like liposuction used to seem like the only choices available. While they produced results, they shattered, burned and cut out fat cells to do so, leaving scars and worse in their wake and requiring long periods of recovery. CoolSculpting, a non-surgical alternative, uses the power of cold and the body’s own metabolism to flush out the fat and visibly smooth trouble spots. No scars, no punctures, and no downtime mean that patients receive all of the visual benefits of fat removal with none of the painful or embarrassing side effects that surgical methods can inflict*.

If you have stubborn body fat, you may find that diet and exercise make little to no difference. This can lead to insecurity and frustration, especially when you’re doing exactly what’s expected of you. It’s time to ditch the fad diets and pills, and realize your full potential with CoolSculptingCoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat removal treatment that uses advanced technology to safely freeze fat cells and eliminate them to help you look great*. This FDA-approved treatment can work wonders for your appearance, and is often the key to living a brighter and slimmer future*.

Here is our on-site Physician, Dr. Matt Jones, on what you need to know about this cutting-edge fat reduction technology:

Safely Remove Unwanted Fat with CoolSculpting

What Exactly is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective FDA-approved treatment that kills fat cells by freezing them with Cryolipolysis™ technology. The fact that the treatment actually kills targeted fat cells means you have the potential for lasting fat loss*. CoolSculpting doesn’t require any actual surgery unlike other treatments like liposuction or laser treatment. There’s no incision, no scarring, no pain, and no hassle during your treatment. That means you can obtain the benefits of fat removal without any of the painful or embarrassing side effects surgical methods can involve*.

CoolSculpting also provides the advantage of total convenience. You can leave directly after your treatment and carry on with your life, including work and exercise without any side effects.

How Does CoolSculpting Treatment Work?

When you start your treatment, a our on-site physician will place the CoolSculpting device on the specific areas meant for treatment. Staff will place protective gel pads in the appropriate areas to make sure you’re comfortable throughout the treatment. The device will draw unwanted body fat between two cooling panels. You’ll feel a firm pull and pressure, but this feeling generally goes away 5 to 8 minutes into the procedure.

The bulge of fat will then be cooled for 35 – 75 minutes depending on your needs. Your CoolSculpting technician will implement this treatment long enough to ensure the treatment works and you get the results you want*.

Following treatment, your body’s metabolism will naturally flush out the fat cells CoolSculpting targeted.

What Areas Can You Target With CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting allows you to target a number of areas on your body, and CoolSculpting devices are specially designed to handle different body contours and areas safely. These areas include the following:

  • Stubborn Abdominal fat
  • Love handles or Muffin top
  • Back fat and bra rolls
  • Inner and Outer thighs
  • Treat double chins with the new CoolMini applicator
  • Other areas of pinchable fat

Learn more about each CoolSculpting Applicator and their specific benefits:

How Long Does CoolSculpting Take?

Each treatment area of CoolSculpting lasts 35 – 45 minutes with the exception of an outer thigh treatment which lasts 75 minutes.  The number of areas to be done will be decided during your evaluation with Dr. Jones.  You can be sure that you will not have to put your life on hold in order to benefit from this treatment.  You can even schedule it during a lunch break or in between chores.  During treatment we invite you to sit back and relax. Bring a book, enjoy time on your smartphone or even take a nap. The treatment will be over before you know it.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting only targets unwanted fat cells. Fat actually freezes as at a higher temperature than skin cells, which means your skin and other tissue is unharmed during the treatment. In other words, it’s completely safe.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

Many patients can expect the results they want after only one treatment*. However, CoolSculpting requires an individualized consultation to design a treatment plan that meets your needs. You will likely see results as quickly as three weeks following your treatment, but often the most dramatic results will occur after one to three months*. Your body is still working to flush out fat cells during that time, and will continue to do so up to six months after your treatment.

In the end, you’ll be amazed with your results when you look in the mirror*.

Before & After

*Individual results may vary

Can I return to normal activities after the procedure?

CoolSculpting is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Oftentimes, patients return to work after the session is over.

Who Does CoolSculpting Work Best For?

CoolSculpting isn’t for everyone. This treatment generally works best for those who maintain a healthy lifestyle, but have trouble fat areas that simply won’t go away. CoolSculpting may not be appropriate for those with severe weight problems who simply want to lose weight. As long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, you should experience long-term positive results that allow you to maintain your slimmer appearance. However, it’s best to speak with Dr. Jones to determine if CoolSculpting will deliver the results you want.

Additional Resources: Learn More About the CoolSculpting Treatment

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